Yesterday, Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis (Unity) met with Turkish Ambassador to Latvia Serife Serap Ozcoskun. During the meeting, Dombrovskis emphasized the necessity to continue developing the ...
Due to extraordinarily difficult ice conditions, a large number of cargo ships are stuck in ice in the Pärnu and Livonia Bays and Irbe straits, LETA/Saarte Hääl reports. Waterways Board winter ...
Lithuanian State Food and Veterinary Service said that Russian Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance lifted interim restriction on pork export from Kaunas region as of January ...
Lithuania can weather economic strains without seeking a bailout from the IMF, a senior official from the global lender said on Tuesday following talks in the Baltic state, which is forecast to ...
There may be only five or six large car dealers in Estonia that are likely to survive the current economic decline, writes Postimees/LETA. According to the car dealers, the rapidly decreasing numbers ...
The Tallinn city council approved on Thursday of the 2013 budget of the Estonian capital city that focuses on needs of children, guaranteeing sports facilities and introducing free public transport ...
Register of Enterprises' Chief State Notary Ringolds Balodis steps down today in Latvia, informs LETA. After a meeting with Justice Minister Janis Bordans last week, during which the chief state ...
Joint-stock publishing company Diena subsidiaries Dienas Bizness and Dienas Zurnali have been purchased by the concern's long-time board members Janis Marsans and Janis Svarpstons, reports LETA. Both ...
The Lithuanian Culture Centre in Belgium opened its doors on Monday. It features a children's school, an adult choir and will hold children's upbringing seminars and the Lithuanian language courses ...
The economy committee of the Estonian Riigikogu decided at its Thursday session to send the draft law of keeping monopolies under control to the parliament’s readings, LETA/Äripä reports.
This week, Toyota will recall for checks thousands of cars produced by the enterprise that have been sold to customers in Estonia, LETA/Eesti Päevaleht writes. The head of Toyota Baltic AS Alar ...
Martial artist, actor and director Jean Claude Van Damme will give a lesson to 20 young karate students in Lithuania this week. The students will be selected by the Lithuanian Kyokushin Karate ...