Before installing a well, hire a professional to drill a test hole to better understand local geology and availability of water. That’s particularly true if you use underground water to irrigate ...
Honolulu-based Barnwell Industries Inc., which specializes in oil and natural gas operations, said today it has sold ...
Barnwell Industries, Inc. (NYSE American: BRN) (“Barnwell” or the “Company”) today announced the sale of its wholly owned subsidiary, Water Resources International, Inc. (“Water Resources”), a deep ...
Wheeler Drilling & Water Well Service President Jason Wheeler of Odessa, right, and his dad Ronnie recently accepted the Texas Groundwater Association’s “Owen F. Jenson Contractor of the Year ...
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — At the end of County Road 73, just outside of Calallen along the Nueces River, the city of Corpus Christi is drilling a water well as part of its plan to get more water ...
On Wednesday, Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal (left) met with trainers from Holland ahead of a five-day training programme on Well Drilling and Development for employees of the Guyana ...
North Canton residents who live along the west branch of Nimishillen Creek reported seeing a white substance in the creek's ...
Barnwell Industries (BRN) announced the sale of its wholly owned subsidiary, Water Resources International, a deep drilling and well pumping ...
“ODNR continues to revise and develop its aquifer mapping to ensure Ohioans are prepared for the future,” Division of ...