And then this workforce is no longer working in the middle of a field that needs a water well, but in dense, urban areas. What tools do we all need to build this up? The Geothermal Drillers ...
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) released on Wednesday new online tools to track water withdrawal facilities ...
Before installing a well, hire a professional to drill a test hole to better understand local geology and availability of water. That’s particularly true if you use underground water to irrigate ...
“ODNR continues to revise and develop its aquifer mapping to ensure Ohioans are prepared for the future,” Division of ...
North Canton residents who live along the west branch of Nimishillen Creek reported seeing a white substance in the creek's ...
Wheeler Drilling & Water Well Service President Jason Wheeler of Odessa, right, and his dad Ronnie recently accepted the Texas Groundwater Association’s “Owen F. Jenson Contractor of the Year ...
On Wednesday, Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal (left) met with trainers from Holland ahead of a five-day training programme on Well Drilling and Development for employees of the Guyana ...
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — At the end of County Road 73, just outside of Calallen along the Nueces River, the city of Corpus Christi is drilling a water well as part of its plan to get more water ...
It sounds like all those old water wells from the 1950's the city had hoped to start back up are not going to be part of a ...