The organization that maintains dozens of Virginia's government buildings was found to be behind on over 1,500 projects, ...
The demolition of the former Key Bridge Marriott at 1401 Langston Boulevard in Arlington is officially underway.
Demolition began last week on portions of the Virginia Village shopping center where a new mixed-use development is planned.
WASHINGTON COUNTY, Va. (WCYB) — The new space of the Washington County C.C. Porter Animal Shelter is located on Lee Highway.
On Tuesday afternoon, the Trump administration announced that 443 federally owned properties were eligible to be sold, including such prominent buildings as the D.C. headquarters of the Justice ...
The Iowa City Federal Building, home to the Iowa City VA Clinic, will be sold, the Trump administration said Tuesday.
In Pocahontas, Virginia, demolition is underway on a long-standing building as part of a larger revitalization project.
One of the main tenants of the building, according to the GSA, is the Iowa City VA Clinic, which offers physical and ...