The European Renaissance often holds a charmed place in popular imagination, and its artists are central to that perception. The topic for the next Lifelong Learning Institute of Elkhart County class ...
The Italian department at the University of Colorado features three tenure-line faculty members and several instructors and lecturers. Faculty specialize in the Italian Renaissance, in modern ...
Encounter the great scientific minds and discoveries of the Renaissance, which helped cement Italy's role at the ... his MA in art history at Syracuse University, New York, as a Florence Fellow.
"The Tranquility of the Mind: Aspects of the Creative and Intellectual Training of Artists in Renaissance Italy," (invited lecture) Agnes Etherington Art Centre at Queen's University, Kingston, 18 ...
The School of Athens, one of the most famous frescoes by the Italian Renaissance artist Raphael. The Medieval and Renaissance Studies Program provides students with a broad introduction to the ...