Barry Diller is (finally) ready to tell his story ... He invented the TV movie of the week at just 27, became CEO of Paramount Pictures at 32 and, by 44, had launched the fourth national network ...
Barry DIller is returning as CEO of InterActive ... has passed since Diller’s illustrious run as head of production at Paramount and then as linchpin of Fox as it became the fourth U.S ...
This week on the GeekWire Podcast, it’s a grab-bag of topics, including self-driving wheelchairs, Expedia Group Chairman Barry Diller’s comments on the prospects for an acquisition by Uber ...
Media mogul Barry Diller has thrown his support behind former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s bid for New York City mayor — citing “gratitude” for the disgraced politician’s past support of ...
IAC chairman Barry Diller thinks the cable and satellite TV model is headed for a big shakeup in the next five to 10 years. Speaking at Business Insider's IGNITION conference Wednesday ...