The trial was part of a small — but growing — group of animal-to-human organ transplants, in a practice known as ...
Chinese doctors have made a historic breakthrough by successfully transplanting a genetically engineered pig liver into a ...
One of the main arguments made for bodyoids is that they could provide spare human organs. There’s a huge shortage of organs ...
Scientists have successfully transplanted a pig’s liver into a human for the first time, raising hopes this could one day ...
Scientists have announced that they successfully maintained the function of a genetically modified pig liver for a brief ...
Chinese researchers are reporting new steps in the quest for animal-to-human organ transplants. Researchers at Xijing ...
Today, medical research experiences a macabre crisis of supply and demand: organ donors and scientists alike need more human bodies than are available. In a new article published ...
Announcing a new article publication for Cardiovascular Innovations and Applications journal. The heart is the central organ ...