Abstract painting is a hardy perennial of the art world. Trends may come and go, but the practice of translating visual ...
About a dozen people gathered at Griffintown Park on Wednesday morning in Ferndale to celebrate the installation of a new abstract art sculpture. Named “Sense of Connection,” the sculpture is ...
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — Tampa-based superstar Ya La'ford, an internationally acclaimed abstract artist, has set her beautifully inventive sights on the American West. La'ford is currently ...
Rachel Showalter The Bellingham Herald About a dozen people gathered at Griffintown Park on Wednesday morning in Ferndale to celebrate the installation of a new abstract art sculpture. Named ...
About a dozen people gathered at Griffintown Park on Wednesday morning in Ferndale to celebrate the installation of a new abstract art sculpture. Named “Sense of Connection,” the sculpture is meant to ...