It is for these reasons that Congress in 1993 authorized the NIH to start a new program called the Institutional Development ...
It is for these reasons that Congress in 1993 authorized the NIH to start a new program called the Institutional Development Award, or IDeA, to support the 23 states plus Puerto Rico that have ...
It is for these reasons that Congress in 1993 authorized the NIH to start a new program called the Institutional Development Award, or IDeA, to support the 23 states plus Puerto Rico that have ...
(THE CONVERSATION) The National Institutes of Health is the largest federal funder of medical research in the U.S. NIH funds drive research and innovation, leading to better understanding and ...
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Prakash Nagarkatti, University of South Carolina and Mitzi Nagarkatti, University ...