Heat a small frying pan over a high heat and fry the mustard seeds for 1 ... carefully turning the fish halfway through cooking. The curry is ready when the fish is opaque and cooked through ...
Clean fish chunks carefully and rub little salt and turmeric powder to the fish pieces and leave those for 10 minutes Make a paste of mustard seed using either a grinder Mix a little salt with the ...
Season fish with ½ tablespoon turmeric ... Heat coconut oil in a medium pot over medium heat. Add mustard seeds and cook until they crackle, 20 seconds. Add curry leaves and sauté until aromatic ...
Put 50 ml mustard oil in a hot pan, once the oil gets hot put 1 tbsp ... The recipe is ready, serve the fish curry with freshly chopped coriander and green chillies.
About Bihari Fish Curry Recipe: The unique way of cooking fish in Bihar or by the Bihari community is what makes Bihari Fish Curry different and extremely delicious.The secret of this spicy curry are ...
Coat fish with turmeric, salt, and tamarind, then set aside. 2. Sauté mustard seeds, curry leaves, onions, and green chilies.
Add the methi and mustard seeds ... Add the strained tamarind water to the curry and allow it to cook for an additional 5 minutes. Finally, add the fish and green mangoes without stirring.
If your heart desires a filling vegetable mishmash, or for a rich flavour of mustard-infused fish curry, these meals shall make your predawn meal healthy and delicious. Heat oil in a pan ...
As soon as the fish is cooked, return the pan to the heat and add both the mustard seeds and cumin seeds ... This is a light tasting curry but don’t reduce the amount of oil in the recipe ...