The 79 CE eruption of Mount Vesuvius obliterated the Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum with a blast that had the thermal energy of 100,000 World War II-era atomic bombs. About 1950 years later, ...
A rare organic glass was found inside a skull from Herculaneum’s 79 CE Vesuvius eruption. Researchers determined that a super ...
Researchers found organic glass in the skull of a volcano victim, indicating the extreme and unique environment triggered by ...
For several years now, we've been following a tantalizing story indicating that the high heat of the ash cloud generated when Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD was sufficiently hot to turn one of the ...
A man's brain was partly turned into glass after Mount Vesuvius erupted. Researchers discovered dark fragments resembling obsidian in the skull of a man in the ancient settlement of Herculaneum.
In 79 AD, Italy's Mount Vesuvius erupted, utterly destroying the towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum over two days. On the first day of the eruption, Pompeii was covered in ash and falling debris ...
However, in 2020, researchers discovered a black, glassy substance inside the skull of a person killed during the eruption of Italy’s Mount Vesuvius in AD 79. Now, the scientists say they have ...