Magna Carta alone endured because the kings of England ... It is the existence of interests (in this case, particularly but not only the barons, the bishops, and the merchants) who sit apart ...
A statement from the British Library said its security team “intervened to prevent further damage to the case, which was minimal” and “the Magna Carta itself remains undamaged”.
Three seafarers and labor lawyer Sonny Matula challenged in the Supreme Court (SC) on Thursday the legality of at least two ...
A labor group has petitioned the Supreme Court to declare unconstitutional the bond requirement provision under the Magna ...
Lincoln Castle is only place in the world where all three 13th Century manuscripts can be viewed. One of only four copies from 1215 left, the document kept at Salisbury Cathedral has a new enclosure.
The ones we're going to look at today go back all the way to the 13th century and this one is one of the most significant and influential documents ever written, Magna Carta. Magna Carta ...
No free man shall be arrested, or imprisoned?.unless by legal judgement of his peers, or by the law of the land'The Magna Carta was drawn up in 1215 when King John's barons forced him to agree to ...