Frank Stronach, founder and chairman of Magna International, has acknowledged that his company is definitely making a bid to take control of Chrysler and that they have the money lined up.
The danger to liberty today, ironically, comes more from arbitrary power backed up by the rights-talk that can trace its origins back to Magna Carta. Against my right to free expression stands ...
The listed Victorian home built on land where King John signed the Magna Carta in 1215 is on the market ... and a dining room that seats up to 20 guests. The estate also features a detached ...
The Magna Carta was quoted during the events leading up to the English Civil Wars by ... Matthew Paris was a 13th century chronicler close who was brutal in his criticism of John, saying of ...
In the year before Magna Carta was first drawn up, there were rising tensions between ... to Magna Carta – answered by source 3. At the close of the programme pupils could be asked what they ...
crossed T's and that the deal won't fall apart unless Magna blows it up or walks away. That hasn't stopped GM and the German government from creating the appearance of courting other bidders for ...