One of Ellen’s main tasks at Kew was working on the Africa ‘naming wall’ – an area where unidentified specimens are stored, waiting for expert attention. Each specimen is sorted by plant family and ...
The Willard Sherman Turrell Herbarium (MU) is a broad collection, both taxonomically and geographically. Holdings include specimens of vascular plants, mosses, fungi, and algae, along with our special ...
In addition to visual scans of the specimens in the herbarium, the team will also use a technology known as hyperspectral imaging to develop a database that gives each species a unique fingerprint.
This database contains label data for the approximately 1,200 vascular type specimens held by the University of Colorado Herbarium. A large proportion of the collection consists of isotypes of C.G.
Fully searchable database of complete label information for vascular plant specimens housed at Herbarium COLO. Type Specimens: Vascular and Bryophyte Follow this link to download and/or print a report ...
These specimens also have their names inscribed on ornate labels. These features are peculiar to Dutch herbarium collections of the 1730s. Another example is Adriaan van Royen's herbarium, held at the ...
The herbarium of William & Mary (WILLI) was formally organized in 1968, and has since grown to over 81,500 accessioned specimens representing most of our regional vascular plant species. About one ...
Sac State’s herbarium lay dormant for nearly 20 years until Biology Professor Marina LaForgia joined the University. Now it ...
This assortment of herbarium sheets shows how well pressed plant ... contain features important for identifying the plant. Make sure to add a label of information about the specimen. It is helpful to ...
Iowa State University herbarium director Lynn Clark points to a handwritten label on a plant specimen collected by famous botanist George Washington Carver. Clark said it's important to regularly ...