Workers started the demolition of the Missouri State Penitentiary a couple of weeks ago to make room for Jefferson City's ...
A teenager has been charged with multiple felonies after he was certified as an adult, according to Cole County Prosecutor ...
Lewis Younce, a resident of the Jefferson City Correctional Center ... Younce, who was 49, arrived at the Missouri Department of Corrections on April 9, 2024. He was serving a 26-year sentence ...
Lewis Younce, a resident of the Jefferson City Correctional Center, was pronounced dead at 8:55 p.m. on Friday at the age of 49, according to a news release from the Missouri Department of ...
JEFFERSON CITY — Certain non ... the number of felons required to serve extended prison terms would more than triple. Currently, Missouri law requires repeat felons to serve a minimum percentage ...
Since the hands-free law was enforced this year, the Missouri State Highway Patrol has issued over 300 tickets.
KMIZ A police incident report shows 26 law enforcement officers responded to a scene on Friday that led to an officer-involved shooting. The Jefferson City Police Department said on Monday that Julie ...
Capitol Ave. had served as the Missouri State Penitentiary deputy warden's home. It was named a Landmark in 2016. High Street Retreat, 712 E. High St. — Jefferson City's first public funeral ...
JEFFERSON CITY ... to lesser charges and spent several years in prison. For the past few years, Spears has been working for the state of Missouri in the public defender’s office in West Plains.