The Willard Sherman Turrell Herbarium (MU) is a broad collection, both taxonomically and geographically. Holdings include specimens of vascular plants, mosses, fungi, and algae, along with our special ...
Matthew Austin, curator of biodiversity data at the Missouri Botanical Garden, looks at a Dogwood tree sample in the herbarium. Specimens in herbaria across the world show when plants were ...
The herbarium of William & Mary (WILLI) was formally organized in 1968, and has since grown to over 81,500 accessioned specimens representing most of our regional vascular plant species. About one ...
Why not embark on a craft project and decorate special cards for family and friends, create beautiful art, or make a collection of herbarium sheets recording the plants growing in your garden? 1. In a ...
“The herbarium specimen, it’s the gold standard ... Labels vary based on the institution collecting each sample. The Spirit Collection provides an alternative method of study, with roughly ...
The Clifford herbarium contains over 3,000 specimens collected by George Clifford (1685-1760), a wealthy Anglo-Dutch merchant. The herbarium is built with plants from Clifford's own garden - many of ...
Within CHRB is the Rutgers Mycological Herbarium (RUTPP) which has about 40,000 fungal collections and a focus on microfungi and plant pathogens. It has catalogued a worldwide collection with an ...
Matthew Austin, curator of biodiversity data at the Missouri Botanical Garden, looks at a Dogwood tree sample in the herbarium. Specimens in herbaria across the world show when plants were blooming in ...