Former National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins sang during an anti-Trump rally in video posted on social media ...
Dr. Francis Collins led the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), the world’s largest funder of biomedical research, ...
Late last week, Christian geneticist Francis Collins resigned abruptly as a researcher at the ... when Collins originally was appointed as NIH director by President Barack Obama, some worried “that ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — Dr. Francis Collins, a renowned geneticist and former longtime ... Collins, 74, was the NIH’s director for 12 years and under three presidents — Barack Obama, Donald Trump and Joe ...
At "Stand Up for Science" rallies across the U.S., scientists and their supporters protested Trump administration actions ...
“Francis Collins was an ineffectual leader who bent ... Dr. Collins was appointed to lead the N.I.H. by Mr. Obama, and he stepped down as director in late 2021, the first year of the Biden ...
Lenten prayers for Pope Francis
Strib Voices publishes a mix of commentary online and in print each day. To contribute, click here. ••• Lent “is a chance for everybody to make a new start and experience the grace of God,” the Rev.