Legend has it the glowing yokai emerged from the sea in front of a government official in Higo province, or modern-day Kumamoto Prefecture, in 1846 during the Edo Period (1603-1867). According to ...
Q: Come to think of it, Pokemon also sound like yokai. A: There are scrolls very similar to the Pokemon Encyclopedia dating back to the Edo Period. Known as "Bakemono Zukushi" (Collection of ...
While there is references to similar yokai during the Edo period, the interpretation of the manga references, (Kuchisake Onna, literally "Slit-Mouthed Woman"), came about in the 70s according to ...
The Yokai Ubume was said to be a ghostly woman appearing ... in an Aizu residence thought to have been used by women of the Edo period to give birth ...
Ushiwaka is a young noble traveling the lands of Edo Japan where dangerous Yokai roam the land and meddle with the humans. On his way he is attacked by a pack of wild Yokai only to be saved by a ...