Cathedral and John Connon School is located in Mumbai,Maharashtra. This school is affiliated to IGCSE and offers the Cambridge IGCSE exams at the 10th grade level.
Below is a detailed look at the top five schools in Mumbai. Top Schools Overview In-Depth Rankings Cathedral and John Connon ...
The Fort area of Mumbai is home to some of the most ... with a student-teacher ratio of 20:1. The Cathedral and John Connon ...
The Cathedral of St. Thomas is a shining reflection of the British Raj and an important part of the city’s identity. Set to become 300 years old in 2018, The cathedral was built by early British ...
The Cathedral of St. Thomas is a shining reflection of the British Raj and an important part of the city’s identity. Set to become 300 years old in 2018, The cathedral was built by early British ...