WHAT makes a great English village? Stone cottages, dramatic landscapes and trustworthy locals? Castle Combe in Wiltshire ticks all those boxes, which is why it has been used as a backdrop for ...
Two of Wiltshire’s tourist hotspots made the top 10, with Castle Combe scooping first place in the list and Lacock finishing in eighth. The picturesque village of Castle Combe, not far from Chippenham ...
Castle Combe isn't too far from the Georgian city of Bath. The village is also near several historic sites, including Avebury, Stonehenge, and the Wiltshire White Horses, making it the ideal ...
The village, including the grocery store where Dunstan’s grown-up son Tristan (Charlie Cox) works, is Wiltshire's own Castle Combe, about 10 miles northeast of Bath. Famously dubbed “the ...
Website: http://www.castlecombecircuit.co.uk Tel: +44 (01249) 782 417Fax: +44 (01249) 782392Circuit Length: 1.85 miles Directions Castle Combe Circuit is 5 miles west ...