With the weather and ground warming and the days getting longer, it's only a matter of time before the flowers are in full ...
Don't begin planting until all danger of frost has passed, as amaranth is not frost tolerant. And remember to use a nitrogen-rich fertilizer for best results. Many varieties can reach over 5 feet ...
The terminal seed heads on female Palmer amaranth plants can grow up to 3 feet long and will feel prickly. The petioles will be as long or longer than the leaf blades themselves. The leaves tend ...
So, lets quickly jump in and learn how to grow this delicious and beneficial plant at home: Amaranth comes in two main ...
And, this time of year, the plants grow close to the ground. “There might be a Palmer amaranth plant that’s 8 inches tall. We’re not going to see it until we get a few feet from it,” Blair ...
KIMBERLY — A herbicide-resistant pigweed first confirmed in the state less than three years ago has already infested more than 7,000 acres of southern Idaho cropland and is taking a heavy toll ...
Weeds like Palmer amaranth make farming harder and less profitable, and available herbicides are becoming less effective. For scientists to find solutions, they first need to know their enemy. A study ...
Palmer amaranth can grow up to 10 feet tall and threaten various crops. Since the weed resists glyphosate, it can be a major challenge for growers of sugar beets, alfalfa or corn varieties ...
Cockscomb (Celosia) is in the amaranth family and has very distinct flowers—some varieties resemble a rooster's comb. "The flowers are almost crepe paper-ish, and when the sun hits them ...