200.421 Advertising and Public Relations Costs Allowable only if related to and necessary for performance of the sponsored project (i.e., recruitment of personnel, procurement of goods and services, ...
The cost must be necessary to the sponsored project’s performance. The purchase must comply with established University policies. Non-allowable costs are those costs that the federal regulations, ...
Books and journals Allowable when necessary to meed the specific requirements of the sponsored agreement; otherwise provided as part of the University's library services Same as Federal sponsors Same ...
The university is committed to ensuring costs incurred in support of sponsored research are allowable, reasonable, and allocable to a particular sponsored award, as defined by U.S. Office of ...
I have 10% academic year effort currently committed on my NIH grant, so NIH is only reimbursing the University for $13,883, No, per the Uniform Guidance Limitation on Allowance of Costs, this would ...
In these instances, the RF Non-Sponsored guidelines apply. The maximum allowable amount for individual reimbursement is $2,500 for any single item or total aggregate cost (excluding travel). Requests ...
Kesuma and HRD Corp's latest enhancements to the Allowable Cost Matrix empower employers and their employees with greater flexibility in training costs and claims, fostering skills development ...