Of 150 adult moose radio-collared since 2002 in Minnesota ... The 2012 survey results also showed the bull-to-cow ratio increased from 2011 to an estimated 108 bulls per 100 cows, indicating ...
Officials responded to the scene just before noon and found that an adult bull moose had walked out 200 feet onto the ice before falling through and getting stuck. The DEC police officers were ...
Hunters registered 115 bull moose at nine registration stations ... Typically eight out of 10 moose harvested were adult bulls. The northeastern Minnesota moose population is estimated at 6,600 ...
Community scientists spotted four adult moose and one calf in the Snowy Range and Pole ... (Jason McMahan Photo) “One survey group spotted a bull moose that still had its antlers. Even if surveyors ...
State: Bill passes in Michigan Senate to raise minimum wage, preserve tipped credit The Michigan bull moose is considered an iconic symbol of the U.P. wilderness region, with a size of around ...