Two new sequencing machines will read a human genome in 24 hours. Scientists dive into the genomes of whales, elephants, and other animal giants looking for new weapons in the fight against cancer. A ...
Learn about the new proposal for the origins of modern humans, suggesting that our species is a genetic combination of two ...
A new study reveals that a mysterious human ancestors contributed 20% of modern human genes, potentially enhancing brain ...
"The 1000 genomes project is the backbone of our understanding for human variation,” said Ewan Birney from the European Bioinformatics Institute, who is not part of the consortium. “Both the data and ...
When the 1,000 Genomes Project launched the following year, in 2008, the aim was to sequence the genomes of 2,500 people. By 2010, sequencing systems offered higher throughput capabilities that ...
A new international research consortium that aims to sequence the genomes of at least 1,000 people has just been set up. The project is expected to cost between $30 million and $50 million ...
A novel genetic model suggests that the ancestors of modern humans came from two distinct populations that split and reconnected during our evolutionary history.