Zoho CEO Sridhar Vembu has called for stricter safety measures in adventure sports after the death of a 27-year-old entrepreneur from Tamil Nadu. Jeyesh Ram, the son of Mr Vembu's close friends ...
Sridhar Vembu said that he will be taking up the role of Chief Scientist and will be responsible for deep R&D initiatives at the company Vembu said that in the view of the various challenges and ...
Zoho Corp Founder and CEO Sridhar Vembu has stepped down from his role as Chief Executive Officer. Vembu, who built the SaaS giant in 1996, will take on the role of Chief Scientist, where he will ...
Sridhar Vembu has stepped down as Founder and CEO of Zoho Corp, as per media reports. Sridhar Vembu has taken on a role of Chief Scientist. In a social media post, Vembu wrote that he will focus ...