Zahira College Matale,, is one of the oldest schools in the Matale District. It is situated in the centre of the city. The school was founded on 3 August 1942 by Tuan Burhanuddin Jayah. The original 4.5 ha school site was donated by Vithanage Tergin Nanayakkara, the local member for Matale. The first buildings were funded by a donation from a local Muslim phil…Zahira College Matale,, is one of the oldest schools in the Matale District. It is situated in the centre of the city. The school was founded on 3 August 1942 by Tuan Burhanuddin Jayah. The original 4.5 ha school site was donated by Vithanage Tergin Nanayakkara, the local member for Matale. The first buildings were funded by a donation from a local Muslim philanthropist, Cassim Had Sar.