Aogashima Island Japan Docks Images

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Aogashima is a volcanic island to the south of Japan in northernmost Micronesia. It is the southernmost and most isolated inhabited island of the Izu Islands. The islands border the northeast Philippine Sea and lie north of the Ogasawara Islands. The island lies approximately 358 kilometres south of mainland Tokyo and 64 kilometres south of Hachijō-jima.
  • Location: Izu Islands
  • Population: 170 (January 2014)
  • Archipelago: Izu Islands
  • Area: 8.75 km² (3.38 sq mi)
  • Length: 3.5 km (2.17 mi)
  • Width: 2.5 km (1.55 mi)
  • Coastline: 9 km (5.6 mi)
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